Feb 23, 2018 | A Better You, Electricity 101, Feel Good, Lifestyle, Severe Weather Prep, Uncategorized
It has been wet, wet, wet across Texas in the last week. We feel like we will perpetually be dumping water from our boots, but now it seems like waters are rising elsewhere. Considering how dry things have been lately, we’re now seeing a surge in rising flood waters, high water rescues and thousands of dollars in home damages.
Feb 15, 2018 | Feel Good, How to Choose Electricity, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
Valentine’s Day may have come and gone but love is still in the air! We’re excited to let all of our 4Change Energy customers know that you can leave your review on Facebook or Google.
Jan 29, 2018 | A Better You, Active Life, Feel Good, Lifestyle, Uncategorized
On January 31, for the first time in 150 years, be sure to step outside and look up! In just a couple days we are all in for a stellar event being penned a Super Blue Blood Moon. “A super blood what?” Yes, we know it all sounds a little confusing, but this week on the Wire blog we’re talking space!
Dec 28, 2017 | A Better You, Active Life, Family, Feel Good, Home Life, Lifestyle, Motivation, Organize Your Life, Travel, Uncategorized
Start the countdown! It’s nearly 2018 and that means we’re all reflecting a little on the last year and how or if we’ve kept with previous New Year’s resolutions. Maybe 2017 wasn’t your year, but that’s OK!
Dec 30, 2016 | A Better You, Lifestyle, Motivation
As we are close to the end of this year, we tend to think about our accomplishments, successes, failures, and both happy and sad moments. It’s funny how some days and memories are highlighted more while we can’t even remember certain days and minutes of life. But If I...