It’s Springtime! We, as Texans, have fought through the bone chilling 50-degree days to finally reach the end and feel the warmth of the Spring sun on our shoulders. Many of us have emerged from our hibernation to tend to our gardens and lawns. Some of us are opening windows and breaking out the buckets, and this week on the Wire blog we’re sharing tips for Spring cleaning!
The 4Change Energy team has compiled a list of our go-to cleaning techniques and areas. This is just a start for you, and your homes may be very different from ours so don’t break your back wiping the countertops! Do what works best, and happy Spring cleaning!
· Dishwashers – They’re an overlooked part of kitchen cleaning. They clean dishes, they should be clean, right? Wrong! Remove your dish trays and pull out any left-over food fragments from the bottom. Then simply run a cycle with a dishwasher cleaner. Do this once a month and never worry about hand washing!
· Countertops – We’re all familiar with wiping them down each week or after a mess, but those granite countertops need a little more care than you may realize. Be sure to clean them off and then take the time to seal them. Water will bead off and make quick wipe-downs a breeze!
· Windows – You want to enjoy that beautiful sunshine, right? Ever find yourself staring through your windows noticing spots and smudges thinking, “I just cleaned these”? Get outside and wipe the exterior panes! Use a good quality cleaner and rag and you’ll have to start wearing sunglasses indoors.
· Bedding and Carpets – In Texas, if the pollen hasn’t fallen on your car, it’s on your clothes, your hair and in turn, your bed, carpets and fabrics. This can become uncomfortable for anyone sensitive to allergens. Go beyond your bed sheets and toss your pillows and comforters into the wash. For your carpets, make sure your vacuum has a fresh bag or filter and go to town. Then either rent a carpet cleaner or hire the experts for a deep cleaning.
· Maintain Your Home – Cleaning single areas of your home is great but maintaining that cleanliness is important as well. Do a walkthrough and be sure that your air conditioning filters are replaced and if your system needs to be tuned up. Check to see that your window and door seals are all in good shape. Check your roof and fence for any trouble spots for when the Spring storms hit.
What are some of your favorite Spring cleaning routines? We hope our list can get your started towards a cleaner and healthier home! Don’t forget a low rate on our your energy bill can also be part of Spring cleaning, and 4Change Energy can help with that.

Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.