Add Your 4Change Energy Account to Your Home Screen Apps
We’ve made our website more user friendly, and on mobile devices it’s better than ever! Here’s how to add 4Change Energy as an app on your home screen!
Some Quick and Easy Energy Saving Tips
A full house means more energy consumption. More energy consumption and you guessed it; a higher electricity bill. At 4Change Energy, we want our customers SAVING money! Check out some of our quick and easy energy saving tips
Tracking Your Time, Your Health and Your Energy Usage
With nearly the entire state of Texas working from home; it’s important to keep track of your time, your health and, importantly, your energy usage!
Why is My Energy Bill Higher than Normal?
What happens when you notice your energy bill is higher than normal? Did your rate change? Did your provider raise prices? Here’s tips to manage your usage!
Energy Saving Habits to Take Up in the New Year
Looking for a 2020 resolution? Let 4Change Energy spark some ideas to help save you money with energy saving habits to take up in the new year.
Strategies for Cutting Back Your Holiday Electricity Usage
4Change Energy loves smart thermostats so much that we regularly give them away on our Facebook page and customers are loving it! Is a smart thermostat right for you? Let’s look at what and how smart devices save you money this week on the Wire blog!