4 Seconds to Savings
Got a few seconds? How about 4? We’re happy to introduce our 4 Seconds to Savings video series where we show you how to save big on your electricity bills!
Got a few seconds? How about 4? We’re happy to introduce our 4 Seconds to Savings video series where we show you how to save big on your electricity bills!
Ahh, Summer. It’s sneaking up quickly and in Texas that means “when it rains, it pours.” Sort of. What we really mean is, “when it’s hot, our boots melt to the pavement and the steak cooks itself.”
You’re already enjoying those low prices with 4Change Energy and you’re already dreaming of saving for that Summer vacation! So, on the Wire blog today, here’s some tips for saving energy during Winter!
You’ve been hunting for weeks to find your first home, and then, you find the perfect one! The square feet, age and location are exactly what you’ve been looking for. You move in, and that first energy bill comes in the mail…
Are those windmills? Technically speaking, no. They’re wind turbines and may be powering your home using wind energy right now!
“If you can measure it, you can manage it.”