A couple months ago we found it hard to keep our home temperatures at a normal level. It was cold in the morning, warm during the day, then cold again at night. But hey, that’s Texas for you. Now at least, it seems the days are remaining pretty chilly throughout, and as Texans, we’re finding it difficult to set the heat any lower than 80 degrees. But you want to save some cash right? You’re already enjoying those low prices with 4Change Energy and you’re already dreaming of saving for that Summer vacation! So, on the Wire blog today, we’re sharing some tips for saving energy during Winter!
The power of the Texas sun is well known between the months of March and November, yes, we generally enjoy warm weather for that long in case you’re from anywhere that’s not Texas. Harness that power during Winter! If you have south-facing windows, open those blinds during the day to let in some natural warmth and be sure to close them up at night to reduce that chilly feeling.
Cover Windows
Sitting on the couch with a warm cup of coffee and suddenly feel some sort of cold draft? It’s not uncommon that a window could become a little drafty. If it’s not in the budget to get it fixed right away, there’s a couple ways around it. Grab some heavy, clear plastic sheets and adhere them to the inside of your window frames. This will keep any extra breeze from getting in your home. If you’re ready to spend some cash and reinvest in your home, install some new insulating drapes or new shades on any windows. You can also purchase new, energy efficient windows for a fresh seal and savings year-round.
Turn the Thermostat Down a Few Degrees
You’ll hear this in the Summertime too, but the opposite, adjust your thermostat! When you’re at home and awake, set your thermostat to as low as you can. Throw on a sweater or grab a heated blanket for TV time, it’s easy savings. While you’re away or asleep at night. Lower that thermostat even more. Toss an extra blanket or two on your bed and dream of all that dough you’re saving for the beach trip this year.
For even more ways you can be saving energy during winter, visit Energy.gov here.

Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.