Breaking Down Your Local TDU

Ready for some new knowledge on how your home is powered? You may have wondered how electricity makes it to your home with 4Change Energy, and it’s actually quite simple. While 4Change Energy provides service and allocates power for your home, your local TDU is the entity that manages the power lines that send that electricity to your air conditioner and light bulbs. TDU or Transmission Distribution Utility like Oncor or Centerpoint manage the electric lines you drive by each day as well as manage the meter on the side of your home!
TDU, since they are a separate entity, also show up on each 4Change Energy bill as a ‘TDU Delivery Charge’. Most people don’t realize there is a cost associated with maintaining the poles and wires in your town. Things like checking and replacing meters, running trucks, managing power outages and most importantly as of late, storm restoration all contribute to that extra cost. The charges have been approved by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and TDUs charge the fees to all retail electric companies. The good news is that they’re passed through to you without any markup—so you’re not paying more than you should for electricity.
TDU charges are billed monthly in two ways: a flat monthly charge in addition to a usage (per kilowatt hour) charge. For this reason, you may notice a variation in the amount charged each month because your usage constantly changes. TDU price changes allowed by law or regulatory actions may cause a slight difference in your invoices. See the tables below for the last two months TDU charges. These rates are approved by the Public Utility Commission and apply to all retail electric companies.
Monthly Charge Per Billing Cycle |
$3.42 |
$5.47 |
$7.85 |
$9.00 |
$10.53 |
Usage-based Charge Per kWh |
3.1284¢ |
3.6983¢ |
3.8999¢ |
3.9405¢ |
3.6596¢ |
Monthly Charge Per Billing Cycle |
$3.42 |
$5.47 |
$7.85 |
$9.00 |
$10.53 |
Usage-based Charge Per kWh |
3.1350¢ |
3.6983¢ |
3.8999¢ |
3.9405¢ |
3.6596¢ |
If you have questions for your TDU, need to know which TDU you have or want to report an outage; we have a helpful map and all contact info for TDUs on the 4Change Energy website!

Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.