A Texas August and Texas Sized Energy Prices

We’ve all heard the news stories this month of how heat waves roll in and the electricity demand goes sky high. Well, duh! It’s like 125 degrees outside! Some of your friends might have even been signed up with an electricity company that can get you some super low rates until kWh rates jump up to $9 per kWh. Yeah, that actually happened.
Luckily, 4Change Energy customers don’t need to worry about that sort of thing during the summer. All you need to worry about is monitoring your home and usage to keep your bill low. We’re always here to help you save money, whether that’s a great rate that won’t change in the middle of the day or by offering tips on how you can conserve power during the week. Our team has banked decades of experience in the industry and we understand how summers in Texas work. We can offer a locked in, low rate because we spend each day monitoring weather, trends and prices to get our electricity to our customers for the lowest possible prices. It’s a dance we all know and have mastered, and we are here for our customers every day, every season.
To learn more about 4Change Energy or get in contact with us regarding a plan or pricing, visit us at 4ChangeEnergy.com.

Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.