Help! My Power is Out! Preparing for Power Outage Causing Storms

More recently than ever, Texans have been experiencing near weekly storms and subsequent power outages. We are slowly moving into the season where our warm air is mixing with cooler air to create sometimes powerful thunderstorms and tornadoes. While we mostly ride out these storms, it’s important to be weather-aware and know what to do in the event of a power outage.
At first light, or shall we say darkness, of a power outage; your first thought might be to contact your energy company. Unfortunately, we would not be of direct help. The power lines and distribution are controlled by your local TDU or Transmission Distribution Utility company. It’s important to know your TDU because when the lights go out, you can call them to track the estimated times of restoring power.
Now that you are prepared to stay up to date with your power being restored, here are a few tips to stay safe during the weather event. Do you know where your circuit breaker is? Consider unplugging larger appliances and shutting down a few breakers to help keep the system from being overloaded once power returns. Don’t forget to leave a few lights on though, so you know once you’re back online. If you don’t already, be sure you have a working flashlight capable of lasting a few hours. This should be in your emergency kit which should also have water, batteries and some non-perishables.
If you know a storm is coming, be sure you check to make sure your home is ready. Keep an eye on family members, get any outdoor pets inside, charge your phones and have a backup charging device ready. You also want to be sure not to open your refrigerator and freezer to keep things sealed while your power is out. Some people have backup generators which are a great resource, just remember that gas powered generators must be placed outside, and to not go outside during strong thunderstorms.
What are some ways you prepare for thunderstorms and how do you pass the time during a power outage?

Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.