What if we told you it only takes 4 seconds to do something that would save you money on your electricity bill each month. Too good to be true? Nope! We’re happy to introduce our 4 Seconds to Saving video series where we share tips on how to save big on your electricity bills.
Start in your kitchen and check things like toasters, coffee makers and crockpots. Those small appliances, while unused, are still drawing power!
Too dark in a room? Before you flip on every light fixture, open your blinds and let the Sun shine through. It will also bring some added warmth on cooler days.
Sure a nice warm fire on a chilly day is great but once it’s put out be sure to keep your flue closed! Air escapes quicker than you might think.
Ok, now be sure your flue is OPEN for this one. A fire is the best source of heating your room in the house. Why? It’s F-R-E-E!
Ok, don’t bend over backwards for this one, but while you’re down there place your hand close to the edges of windows and doors. If you feel cold or hot air coming in, you’re wasting money!
Now you can do this one with a friend, significant other, children, cats. Well, maybe not cats. Big fluffy dogs work well too for keeping warm without using energy.
Don’t turn up the heat, just wear warm clothes! It’s a classic “dad-ism”. It also comes with the added bonus of not getting scolded for changing the temperature. Hint hint, he was right all along.
View all of our 4 Seconds to Savings videos here and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more fun videos! What are your 4 second savings tips? You might see it in a future video!
Jackson Ralston
4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.