f you have lived in Texas for a while, you have lived through a spring where each day feels like a different season. It can seem like you are switching from A/C to heat every few days, trying to stay comfortable. If you can relate, we recommend space heaters. 

Space heaters are a great way to keep warm efficiently and inexpensively. They use less power and heat only the rooms you use, reducing your electricity consumption. You can find space heaters in many different sizes to heat various rooms, and they come in eco-friendly versions that use even less electricity. 

Electric space heaters are easy to use. Just plug them in, and they are ready to go; no installation required. Do not plug them into power strips or extension cords. 

Not in agreement with the rest of your house? Using a space heater in just a few rooms can keep colder people comfortable without heating the whole house and everyone inside.  

If you are on the move around your home, you can take your space heater with you. Most are small enough to move from room to room, allowing you to heat only the space you are currently using.  

Turn your thermostat down if you are using a space heater to make the most of your savings. For your safety, be aware of the area your space heater is in, and don’t leave them unattended.  

Be sure to review the directions and safety features of your space heater. Many turn off automatically if they tip over or overheat to protect you and your home.  

Quickly control the temperature of any room in your home efficiently with an electric space heater. They are a great way to deal with rapidly changing spring weather.

Jackson Ralston

4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.

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