Strategies for Cutting Back Your Holiday Energy Usage

It’s that time of year again, folks. Attics are opened, tinsel is tossed and whole Saturdays are spent decorating the house inside and out for Christmas. While this is one of the most fun family traditions here at 4Change Energy, we’re always thinking about ways to save money on your holiday electricity usage. We’ve compiled some great ideas, so today on the Wire blog we’re discussing how cutting back your holiday electricity usage can save on your December electricity bill!

Year after year we feel like we are reminding people – it’s 2019, why are you still using incandescent bulbs? LED Christmas lights were once an expensive option. Now, you can pull tens of feet off the shelves at your home center and not break the bank. LED holiday lights and décor use 90% less electricity compared to their energy sucking counterparts. They last longer, glow brighter, and can save you nearly $10 per strand of lights!

Utilize timers and smart outlets to control your decorations and cut back your holiday electricity usage. By plugging into outlet timers and smart plugs, you’re only enjoying your lights at specific times. Don’t turn everything on until night and be sure everything is switched off before you head to sleep. As much as you might think your next-door neighbors are enjoying your giant air pump powered Santa in the front yard at 3AM, they’re not.

Switch your light sources! If your tree is on in the living room, keep your ceiling lights off or dimmed. No use in paying twice, right? Need a little more light and ambiance? Get some holiday themed candles that smell like a sequoia or pine or whatever other tree scent you prefer. Either way, make it Christmassy and enjoy a cozy night in.

What do you do during this time of year to cut back on your holiday electricity usage? Customers at 4Change Energy already have a gift wrapped under the tree in the form of a low rate, every month. You

Jackson Ralston

4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.