Always imagined having your home integrated with solar energy but without the hefty price tag? Never liked the idea of placing large panels on the roof of your home? It’s nearly 2021. We all want to enjoy the savings of solar energy and it should be accessible, right? This week on the Wire blog, we’re going shopping for cheap ways to enjoy solar energy in your home!

One of the best ways to enjoy solar energy at home is by decking out your yard with some inexpensive accent lighting. We love placing single, solar powered flood lights around entrances to gates and sheds to brighten things up at night and provide some extra security around the home. You can get 4 for about $50, and they’re even waterproof!


Spending an afternoon by the pool and enjoying a movie on your tablet doesn’t have to stop because of a low battery. And who has time for extension cables? Charge your tablets and phones poolside, with the power of the sun! You can find portable solar chargers for you USB powered devices for about $40.

We didn’t want to leave out that cozy corner you have set aside in your home either. One of our favorite ideas is placing a small solar panel near a sunny window to power LED fairy lights. It’s a lovely way to set the mood for your next time you dive into a book.

Are you using any of these solar powered lights? Which do you recommend? While you’re getting a great rate with 4Change Energy, integrating small solar appliances is a great way to help save on those extra light fixtures!

Jackson Ralston

4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.