How easy is it to pay your electricity bill with 4Change Energy?


Login to your 4Change Energy account and navigate to the Payments and Billing button. Then, click to Manage Payment Methods. Add your credit or debit card if you haven’t already, and at the bottom – click to Set as EZ Pay Method.

We wanted to make electricity something you don’t have to worry about. And with EZ Pay, your electricity bill with be paid automatically each time your bill is due without the worry of late fees.

Login to your My Account today to set up EZ pay and continue enjoying a seamless electricity experience with 4Change Energy.

Check out our video above and for all of our super competitive plans, visit

Jackson Ralston

4Change Energy
Jackson is a digital film and video production/social media specialist that not only enjoys those roles as a job but as a hobby as well. In his free time Jackson creates videos for his YouTube channel about his passions in auto culture.

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